Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wedding bell blues

The month comes to a close, and with the beginning of a new month tomorrow, there comes a new phase in my life. The first new phase started on July 3, when I became a grandmother. Now I will become, once again, a mother-in-law.

I feel out of sync with Jake & Jenny as they prepare to close on their new house on Tuesday and then get married on Saturday. I haven't figured out how to help them, or how to be with them during this time. I think those concerns come from Ego. I have this feeling that I'm somehow supposed to be present with them in some wise or helpful way. The message that I am receiving, however, is that they are quite competent, thank you very much, and I need to let the ego go and simply Be in this situation. None of it is about me, and I recognize that my concerns are because I've made it about me rather than about them. This is an important lesson for me, and I clearly need to spend some time thinking about it, and letting go in a very healthy way.

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